What I Believe

“I believe life is a profound journey of remembrance. At birth, we arrive as radiant beings of light, but often, we forget our true essence as we navigate the complexities of existence. Each step we take, from infancy to adulthood, becomes a process of continuous learning and unlearning, a journey of self-discovery.

In my perspective, we are all sovereign, autonomous spiritual beings, graced with free agency and free will. We are intricately connected to the universal source energy, and our thoughts, emotions, and feelings are intricate manifestations of this divine energy. They should flow freely, for energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

I see each of us as innate alchemists, equipped with the wisdom to navigate our inner systems. The only hindrance lies in the veil of forgetfulness that shrouds us in this 3rd-dimensional world. Despite the inherent intuition and psychic powers connecting us to higher realms, we often find ourselves obstructed by limiting beliefs and an unpurified mind.

Our beliefs, I firmly believe, are the architects of our life experiences. If we believe life to be arduous, it will inevitably manifest as such. Conversely, by embracing the belief that life is effortless, we invite corresponding experiences.

I hold the belief that every individual embarks on a spiritual journey of remembrance and self-realization. However, the density of our earthly plane and the dualistic nature of our world often give rise to the egoic mind, creating a false sense of separation. Sadly, many people do not heal but suffer and perish because they live unconsciously.

In my view, the path to consciousness lies in awareness. Once we become aware of recurring patterns, we are already halfway to resolving them. Awareness serves as the catalyst for transformation, illuminating the path to self-realization.

I also acknowledge the existence of two realms: the matrix and the new earth. Those dwelling in the matrix remain asleep, clinging to beliefs of weakness and suffering as inevitable. However, by shedding these limiting beliefs, we can transition from the matrix to source energy. We unplug from the matrix and connect to the energy of unconditional love, for we are embodiments of love. This connection occurs as we open our hearts, establish a link between our crown and the universal source, and ground ourselves in Mother Earth. In this alignment, we become conduits of divine energy, here to fulfill a higher purpose.”

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