5 Days Inner Child Healing Bootcamp

What’s inside the course

  • Day1 –  Connect to source energy and the creator of all that is .What is Inner Child Healing and Mother’s Wounds. How Mother’s behaviour creates our nature
  • Day2 – Connect with your Higher Self. What is Father’s Wounds. How father’s behavious creates our nature.
  • Day3 – Trigger release meditation, Cord Cutting and Healing Heart Chakra. What are triggers and how they affect you?
  • Day4 – Release Money Blocks meditation and healing root chakra. Introduction to Quantum Healing
  • Day5 – Healing and balancing all 7 Chakras. Bring home the inner child

If you relate to one or more of the following traumas, this program is certainly for you

  • Perfectionism: Setting unrealistically high standards.
  • People Pleasing: Prioritizing others’ needs over your own.
  • Fear of Rejection: Avoiding situations to prevent rejection.
  • Self-Criticism: Engaging in negative self-talk and self-blame.
  • Avoidance of Playfulness: Neglecting activities that bring joy.
  • Difficulty Setting Boundaries: Struggling to say “no.”
  • Approval-Seeking: Constantly seeking validation from others.
  • Chronic Stress: Experiencing persistent anxiety and stress.
  • Lack of Self-Compassion: Being harsh on yourself.
  • Disconnected from Emotions: Difficulty expressing and understanding emotions.

Here is what you stand to benefit from our course

  • Deepened self-understanding
  • Enhanced awareness of thoughts and emotions
  • Improved relationships with self and others
  • Mastery in manifesting a fulfilling life
  • Enhanced emotional regulation
  • Healing and nurturing your inner child
  • Elevated self-worth and esteem
  • Skill to assert healthy boundaries
  • Release of old wounds and resentments
  • Inner strength and confidence in facing challenges
  • Spiritual growth and evolution.

Testimonials of Hope

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