Coaching Package

Transformational Journey – 10-Session Coaching & Healing Package

Session 1: Introduction to Your Healing Path

  • Understanding your unique healing journey.
  • Setting intentions for the transformation ahead.
  • Introduction to Theta Healing and its potential.

Session 2: The Power of Belief Systems

  • Identifying limiting beliefs.
  • The impact of beliefs on your life.
  • Introduction to subconscious reprogramming.

Session 3: Inner Child Healing

  • Exploring childhood experiences.
  • Healing past wounds and traumas.
  • Reconnecting with your inner child.

Session 4: Energetic Field Balancing

  • Introduction to Chakra balancing.
  • Clearing energetic blockages.
  • Grounding techniques for emotional stability.

Session 5: Subconscious Reprogramming

  • Identifying and transforming bottom-most beliefs.
  • Using Theta tools for reprogramming.
  • Customized affirmations for empowerment.

Session 6: Mindset Mastery

  • Purifying thought forms.
  • Cultivating a growth mindset.
  • Aligning your thoughts with your goals.

Session 7: Setting Aligned Goals

  • Identifying core values.
  • Goal-setting for a purpose-driven life.
  • Creating a vision board for manifestation.

Session 8: Healing Through Forgiveness

  • Understanding the power of forgiveness.
  • Releasing resentments and grudges.
  • Self-forgiveness for self-love.

Session 9: Connecting with the Divine

  • Reestablishing a connection with your spiritual essence.
  • Exploring the universe’s interconnectedness.
  • Inviting divine guidance into your life.

Session 10: Integration and Empowerment

  • Reflecting on your transformative journey.
  • Strategies for maintaining alignment.
  • Embracing your newfound empowerment.

Package Includes:

  • Ten 1-hour private coaching and healing sessions.
  • Personalized healing plan.
  • Guided meditations and resources.
  • Email support between sessions.
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