About Theta Healing

Theta Healing is a holistic healing modality and meditation technique that combines elements of spirituality and energy work. Developed by Vianna Stibal in the 1990s, it is based on the idea that the practitioner can access the theta brainwave state to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Here’s a more detailed explanation of Theta Healing:

  1. Theta Brainwave State: Theta Healing derives its name from the theta brainwave state, a deep state of relaxation and meditation. During this state, the brain operates at a frequency of 4-7 Hz, characterized by deep, creative insights, heightened intuition, and a profound sense of connection.
  2. Accessing the Subconscious: In a Theta Healing session, the practitioner enters the theta brainwave state, enabling them to access the client’s subconscious mind. It is believed that many core beliefs and emotions reside in the subconscious, and these deeply embedded feelings can significantly impact physical and emotional well-being.
  3. Belief Work and Downloading Feelings: A central aspect of Theta Healing is identifying and transforming limiting beliefs stored in the subconscious. These beliefs often influence our emotions. In addition to working with beliefs, Theta Healing includes the concept of “downloading feelings.” Practitioners can assist clients in experiencing and integrating positive feelings to replace negative ones.
  4. Energy Healing: Theta Healing also involves working with energy. Practitioners use techniques to clear and balance the client’s energy centers, often referred to as chakras. This is believed to promote healing on multiple levels.
  5. Manifestation: Another key component of Theta Healing is the emphasis on positive manifestation. Clients are encouraged to shift their beliefs, thought patterns, and feelings to align with their goals and desires. The recognition that “feelings are everything” underscores the importance of emotional alignment in manifesting desired outcome.

How does it work?

Our unique approach in Theta Healing taps into the power of Source energy. This connection grants us direct access to your subconscious, housing memories and emotions from not only your present life but also past incarnations. As we delve deeper into the session, guidance flows from the Creator, helping us unearth the root cause of your current issues. We employ a potent technique known as “the digging work,” similar to self-inquiry meditation. However, here, the Creator guides both questions and answers, overseeing the healing process.

Who can try it?

Theta Healing is available to individuals of all ages and backgrounds who are open to exploring their beliefs, emotions, and co-creating their reality. Whether you are experiencing challenges or seeking personal growth and healing, Theta Healing can be a valuable holistic therapy, often used alongside traditional medical treatment and therapy.

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