About Me

Chapter 1 – Early Childhood

Born in Chennai, India, there lived a child whose aura was as open as the sky. From the moment she could remember, she had been what some called an empath. She had a unique gift—or perhaps a curse, she thought at times—of absorbing the energies and emotions of those around her.

Growing up in a patriarchal environment where women were often seen as having limited power and silently enduring suffering, Soniyaa vowed to be different. Determined to break free from this pattern, She became tomboyish, shunning her feminine side and embracing the tough exterior she believed would protect her from the world’s emotional turbulence 

Chapter 2 – Corporate Success and Inner Emptiness

As she grew older, Soniyaa channelled her determination into her career. She spent 15 years in the corporate world, earning her own income, living in one of the most happening cities in the world, travelled the world and living the life she had once dreamed of. On the surface, she had achieved success, but deep down, a sense of emptiness and depression gnawed at her.

Despite her external success, Soniyaa knew that something crucial was missing. She felt adrift in a sea of material comfort but disconnected from her true self. The fierce spirit that had once driven her had become a faint echo, drowned out by the demands of a life that didn’t align with her inner calling.

Chapter 3 – Spiritual Awakening and Healing Journey

In 2019, a profound spiritual awakening shook Soniyaa to her core. It was a moment of reckoning, a powerful call from her inner self that she could no longer ignore. She realized that the missing piece in her life was a deeper understanding of her own soul and a connection to the spiritual realms. 

With newfound determination, she sought guidance and support. She delved into books on spirituality, meditation, and the exploration of her spiritual gifts. Over the years, she uncovered the greatest truth: that her suffering was rooted in her own beliefs, and that the outer world was but a reflection of her inner world. 

Chapter 4 - Walking Her Soul Mission and Purpose

Soniyaa’s journey of healing and self-discovery led her to a profound realization: her purpose in life was to help others who were suffering and seeking their own healing journey. She knew that her empathic nature, sensitivity, and spiritual gifts could be powerful tools for guiding others toward inner transformation. 

Leaving behind the corporate world, Soniyaa embraced her newfound mission. She spent five years in isolation, meditating and connecting with the divine, deepening her understanding of the universe’s secrets, and honing her skills as a spiritual healer. 

Now, Soniyaa stands as a beacon of hope and transformation, sharing her wisdom and guidance with those who seek to break free from limiting beliefs, find inner peace, and unlock their true potential. Her journey is a testament to the profound power of healing and the infinite possibilities that lie within the inner world.

In her own words, “I found my purpose in helping others find their own. The key to our happiness and fulfilment is within us, waiting to be unlocked. Our inner world creates our outer reality, and by loving ourselves, we can transform our lives.” 

Soniyaa’s story is a testament to the transformative power of self-love and inner healing.

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